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Stanford Seminar: Dialog Markets
Stanford Seminar - Listening to the Market
Stanford Seminar: Method and Application to Congressional Speech
Stanford Seminar - Microsoft's Harry Shum on the Bing Dialog Model
Stanford Seminar: Method and Application to Congressional Speech - The Best Documentary Ever
Stanford Seminar - Machine Learning for Creativity, Interaction, and Inclusion
Stanford Seminar-Stories from CoCoLab: Probabilistic Programs, Cognative Modeling, & Smart Web Pages
Stanford Seminar - Distracted? Let's Demand a New Kind of Design
Listening to the Market [Entire Talk]
Stanford Seminar - Addressing Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile HCI
Stanford Seminar: Returning With Real-World Wisdom
Stanford Webinar - Global Entrepreneurial Marketing, Lynda Smith and Victoria Woo